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Pair Victorian Staffs figures ‘Beesom’ and’Sand’. Donkey pedlars
Country of Origin: England
Date: 1880
Condition: Good original condition
Description: Decorative pair of Staffordshire figures titled ‘Beesoms’ and ‘Sand’. Two pedlars with donkeys carrying brushes and sand for sale. In good unrestored condition. The lady has a firing crack to arm and there is old damage to ear of donkey. The man has firing crack to hat and there is an old crack above his ankles. His donkey has old chip to ear. The donkeys coloured grey with black mane. Some paint losses to black. No damage to legs.
Dimensions: Both 8.5in wide, Man 8.75in high, Lady 8in high. Both 3.5in deep.
Price: £275.00
Stock Number: AWP061801